We are a digital storytelling company based in Kansas City, Missouri and believe in the power of a still photograph but also know the power of video in marketing and branding.

So we combined the two.

Using powerful still imagery as the visuals and marrying that with video and audio interview we create simple short videos that tell true stories and connect us as human beings.

The result is solid still photographs that can be used both in print and in video form.

2 uses, 1 shoot.



Kansas City based Bob Sight Ford’s motto is; “There is a reason people come back”. We wanted to know why. They pride themselves on being a family. The majority of employees have been there for more than a decade. They are valued and cared for and it shows. That approach trickles down from the top, to the customer and makes all the difference in how they do business. By being given complete access we were allowed to wait, look for, and capture images that say family.



Crossroads Preparatory Academy in Kansas City prides itself on its diversity. As a brand-new high school to the area, Crossroads needed a story that would set them apart. With students from all walks of life, and different corners of the city, Crossroads diversity is its cornerstone. The staff presented us with many story ideas but one stood out above the rest. Julia and Imani had a very unlikely friendship made possible through Crossroads and a story that perfectly celebrates the school’s core values. It was decided that Wirken Media would follow these two young ladies over 2 days at school. That combined with video interview not only tells the story of how these two young ladies became fast friends but how close the entire pioneering class of 2020 will be upon graduation.



As a small Kansas City nonprofit Camp Encourage relies year to year on fundraising efforts to keep their mission of working with kids on the autism spectrum alive. Telling impactful personal stories about their campers helps supporters of their cause connect to the magic that is Camp. We were given complete access to Camp Encourage and found Woodie, a camper of 4 years, on the first day. Woodie is a delight and looks forward to Camp every year. His story narrated by his mother tells of the struggles for kids with Autism but also how Camp Encourage provides a safe place for campers to be themselves.